
Tailored, structured, time-efficient & progressive exercise programmes to cater for your requirements and goals.

  • Losing weight
  • Building muscle
  • Gaining more muscle mass and power on a lean frame
  • Building, maintaining and improving general fitness and stamina
  • Event prep and training

A military career provided me with some of the best training possible, and I was heavily involved in all aspects of the military sports department as well as being a keen footballer. As you would expect with this background and experience, I approach my clients with a high level of discipline and professionalism. My training sessions will both motivate and inspire you, helping you to find that inner determination to achieve your goals.

Making the difference and unleashing your potential

I believe in a healthier happier life. With commitment, focus, regular training and passion I can help you achieve this. My motivation is seeing my clients achieve their personal fitness goals and the confidence and happiness this gives them.  To me, this is what it is all about and there is no better feeling.
Let me help you too.

BEXTREME Personal Training

Bextreme personal trainer    What I will cover as your Personal Trainer

      • Free initial Consultation
      • Fitness Assessment taken every 4 weeks to include measurements and a fitness test to monitor your progress
      • Nutritional and meal plan advice
      • A focus on your objectives and goals
      • Challenging and varied sessions
      • Advice and support always available!

Bextreme personal trainer    Locations

      • Fleet
      • Farnborough
      • Aldershot
      • Surrounding areas

Personal Training At Home

Why Train At Home

Don’t have time for the gym or simply don’t like the busy gym environment?

Then training at home could be for you. Whether you are a full time parent, work full time, work shifts or work part time, I will help you fit your training into your busy schedule.

Think you don’t have the space to train at home?

Let’s hit the great outdoors. Many play parks incorporate trim trail equipment which we can make use of as well as tree stumps, benches and the open space. I can assure you that you will feel refreshed, alive and very proud of your achievements!

If your children are at home, they can join in, have fun and spend quality time playing games with mum or dad as well as learning the importance of keeping fit whilst you are undertaking serious training without child care costs.

Worried your training will be limited with no access to gym equipment?

I have an array of free weights, swiss balls, Bosu’s and other gym equipment to complement your training, enabling you get the most from each of your workouts.

“Training at home when I was too shy to enter a gym has been invaluable as it has given me more confidence and drive”. Karen, Southwood.

Personal Training and Group Classes

Why Train With Me?

Train your way! Personal Training, Group Training and Circuits Classes, either from your home or at P-A-G in Fleet.

With competitive rates for monthly access to classes, getting involved couldn’t be easier!


Call: 07850 204 570


Join us for group circuits sessions every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday morning at P-A-G in Fleet. This is a great opportunity to train with a group of like minded people, work hard, and set yourself up for the day!

“I find circuits to be a great way to improve muscular strength, endurance and overall levels of fitness in a friendly, relaxed and fun environment. Bex is a really motivating instructor and no two weeks are the same! It’s a fantastic way to start a Saturday and the class fills you with energy and puts a big smile on your face!” Christina, Fleet

Nutrition Advice

What I cover as a nutritional advisor…


Training is just one part of the picture when it comes to your health and well being. I pride myself in taking the holistic approach of looking at the complete you and nutrition is an important part of that. Just like a vehicle, what you put in the tank fuels the output, if the wrong fuel goes in, the vehicle can’t work to optimum capacity. You are the same, put the wrong fuel in you will not get the most out of your training and you will not see the results you desire. With my help we can devise you a nutrition plan that complements your goals whether that be weight loss, weight maintenance or muscle gain and I can advise and support you in all these aspects.

Offers, Prices & Gift Vouchers

Refer a Friend…

Refer a friend and once they commit to Bextreme Personal Training you receive 1 free personal training session.

Train with a friend for maximum motivation, challenge and competition as well as fun at a discounted price.

Gift Vouchers…

Gift vouchers are available on request at a value of your choice.
Please contact me for further details.

Personal Training

New Client Offer:

6 x 1hr sessions for the price of 5, plus free consultation

PT rates:

1hr PT £45

30 min PT £25

1hr partner PT £65

30 min partner PT £35

Book a block of 10 sessions on any of the above and receive a 10% discount

Circuit Classes

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 0550-0635

Saturday 0700-0800

Monthly membership options:

£99 Unlimited classes

£69 2 classes per week

£39 1 class per week

Payment in advance and valid for 1 calendar month.

£10 per class pay as you go/top up

Success Stories


Before training with Bex I was going to the gym 5 days a week, thinking I was doing the correct training and eating, what I thought to be a relatively healthy diet. Unfortunately I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted to see and it appeared that I had plateaued and I didn’t know how to get back on track! I turned 50 this year and felt that the time had come to make some serious changes. I spoke to Bex and she helped me to understand the importance of  variety and intensity regarding training, and eating the right foods at the right times. Ensuring that I get enough food in my system daily in addition to altering my training style  were key, in order to make it beneficial and even more enjoyable for me!

I changed my exercise regime from doing 2 spin classes a week, 1 maybe 2 weighted sessions a week to doing 3 spinning classes a week, weight training twice a week and a circuit class.

I juggled my diary to allow me to continue with this training programme and I am feeling stronger, leaner, and healthier with my energy levels staying up on a ‘high’!

The difference I have seen has been incredible, I’m enjoying my training sessions, eating more food and losing a substantial amount of weight. I have been on this programme with Bex now for 2 months and in total have lost 6kg and 4% body fat! Not only have I achieved that, but I now receive compliments regularly from people noticing a huge change in me. I have a lot more energy and look forward to heading to the gym or eating my next meal. I cannot wait to continue and see what more progress I can make with Bex’s support and experience.


I have been going to the gym regularly for years but over time, seemed to be putting on weight and mentally was heading in a downward spiral, feeling uncomfortable, not feeling good in myself and even when purchasing new clothes, they just didn’t fit so started to just “cover up” (which never worked).  Family photos just looked awful, all I could see was “the rolls”.

Having analysed where I was in my life and what I wanted, I knew being overweight with rolls was not making me feel good so decided I needed some PT.  I had a brief conversation with Bex who told me “it wont be easy and she expected results!” but I went with it, my 1st block started May 2019 …. Best thing I have ever done.  I had a wedding to go to 3 months later and my 50th was in 2020 and I wanted to be in shape.  Bex told me that it was not necessary to cut out all the luxuries, a healthy intake was key but it was important to enjoy life and have treats in moderation.  I started a very tight size 12-14 (more 14),  my target was to get to a comfortable 12.  I got down to a size 10 … at which point I nearly combusted in the shop (I haven’t been that size since my 20s).  Within 4 months, I had lost over a stone and toned several inches in multiple places.  

Since the gyms shut and lockdown, we moved to virtual sessions which, when living on my own and working from home was a godsend.  We’ve had lots of fun, lots of laughs, but overall I have not only achieved my goal, but plus some.  Since we’ve come through lockdown we’ve moved to one PT and a shared session with a friend each week. I’ve stopped my gym membership as Bex has given me a few extra workouts to do on my own and I’m getting way more from what we are doing than I did previously.  Every PT session has been completely different and highly motivating.  What is amazing is that Bex knows exactly what you can do but just pushes you that little bit extra and although you think you can’t, you can!  Its been tough yet achievable and enjoyable, I absolutely love my PT sessions …. I just wish I had done it years ago.  If you are in any doubt, do it …. not only am I physically in the best place I’ve been for many years but also mentally ….. love it …. Thank you Bex x


I met Bex a year ago and having had some gruelling medical treatment for a year I was feeling very unfit, so Bex was exactly who I needed. She is very patient, motivating, supportive and at times firm. Every session is different so there is no chance of getting bored! I am 69 years old and at first after each hour felt about 103!! This gets easier as the weeks go by and I can confidently say I feel much stronger and fitter.

Go Bex you’re brilliant


Two words THANK YOU!

I’ve been doing PT with Bex for about 2 years now, with a break in between.

It was daunting at first making the decision to actually do something about my fitness, but I took the ‘leap of faith’ and I know I made the right decision.

I started back with her recently and I’ve just lost a stone in 6 weeks with her help and encouragement.

It’s not just about the exercise.. Bex devised and explained a diet plan tailored to me. Every training session is different and she listens to your needs and adapts the workouts accordingly.

Bex goes that extra mile, for example, writing your sessions out so you can train by yourself too.

My physical strength is so much better and so is my attitude. I feel more confident, happier in myself and a lot less sluggish.

Bex is very passionate about what she does and will give you 100% encouragement and time to help you achieve your goals.

Once again a huge thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you!

Sarah Radford xx


Here’s my Bextreme journey.

I’d tumbled out of a stressful job and back into normality – I needed to get fit and turn myself around. I had enjoyed Bex’s spin classes because they were uncompromising and focused and had a great social buzz too. As I got fitter I decided to attempt an Iron Man to really challenge myself. I was already training regularly with Bex which had given me the confidence and basic fitness levels but 3.8km in the water, 180 km on a bike and a marathon for dessert was a different matter. I’ll never forget Bex’s face when I told her my goal – but she didn’t miss a beat: she identified my motivations as she assembled training plans. Her absolute dedication to me achieving my goal was pivotal in my reaching the finish line… tired, but strong and injury free. Bex was the first person I messaged after collecting my Finishers’ medal, testament to her impact on the end result.

Key to it all is Bex’s knowledge and commitment to her clients. A truly tailored service regardless of your goals be they big or small.


After having my second child, my weight just slowly crept up until one day I decided I’d had enough. Through diet and exercise I managed to loose a stone but then I got stuck! It seemed no matter what I did, the weight just would not shift. I decided to try 6 weeks with Bex to see if she could help and it was the best decision I could have made! Not only did I loose more weight but, by building muscle too, I completely changed my body shape going from a size 12 to a size 8.

Bex is an incredible trainer, providing support not only during the training sessions, but also throughout the week with diet advice, encouragement and motivation to ensure you stay on track and get the results you want. Her workouts are tough but fun and you have an amazing sense of achievement when you complete them! The difference with Bex is that she really believes in you and pushes you to achieve more than you think you can. I’m sure it’s Bex encouraging you to give that extra 10% that gives such amazing results.

I have enjoyed PT with Bex so much that here I am over a year later, still training with her. I now do joint training with my husband; who also loves it! He too couldn’t believe how much Bex pushes him and has also had fantastic results. I still find huge variety in her training session and each one leaves me motivated to keep eating well and stay active. 

At 42 years old, I’ve never been in such good shape and this is completely thanks to Bex. Bex, all I can say is a huge THANK YOU and look forward to many more training sessions in the future! 😊💪💦


I’ve been training with Bex for the past 5 months and I can’t recommend her enough!
Every session is well planned and is customised to match your fitness level.
She will push you to get the results you desire and will constantly monitor your progress.
I’ve had great cardio and strength training sessions, working on all muscle groups, giving me an all over body workout!
Bex listens, understands and will give you guidance and support as well as nutritional advice.
You don’t have to train the same time or day each week she will work around you!

She will motivate and inspire you to achieve your goals/dreams.

Her circuit classes on a Saturday morning are great fun too!


I have spent most of my life with weight and food issues… I am from the generation where chocolate/food was given to us as a reward so I suppose it was inevitable that I would have issues with food as I got older.

As my stress levels over the years increased so did my weight – to nearly 15 stone. I was ashamed and embarrassed.

I have a beautiful little girl who was wanting me to join her in the soft play areas, I wouldn’t go with her as I was embarrassed of my size and scared I would get stuck. I felt uncomfortable trying to climb over and under the soft play frames.

When I took the opportunity to take redundancy and spend time with my daughter I was asked by my husband if I wanted to have surgery as he knows how unhappy it makes me.  I remember it as if it was yesterday my answer was let me see if I can do this the proper way first.

So at my heaviest I joined a local gym and said I need a trainer I was told by a member  to have Bex as she’s the “best”. So I did.

My first session I couldn’t even walk on the treadmill as I was scared I would fall off.  There was no chance of me even touching my ankles either, I was the worst I could ever have been.
Bex helped me feel comfortable and never put me in a situation where I felt stupid, embarrassed or uncomfortable. She was very understanding but also firm.
Over the years my weight fluctuated, this was partly down to me putting work first. However I have always kept my training with Bex, which has made me feel like I haven’t completely lost control of life.  Bex gives a damn, which means the world and she is genuinely interested in you as an individual.  Now, from that scared individual with no confidence or real ability I am striding through and now completely focused on my end goal with just the last 2 stones to lose. I have lost in total just over 3 1/2 stone. I can run with my daughter and play, I lift weights I would never have dreamt possible, enjoy exercising to the point that if I haven’t done any I’m grouchy!

What a difference having the right person with you or hearing them in your ear when they are not there can make!  Now I can achieve anything and to be honest Bex has more faith in my ability than I do!

I am now wearing a size 12, first time since 1997

Thank you Bex

Rosalyn Gordon


Message or call Bex: 07850 204 570
